Welcome to Two Rivers!
School District 197 values our vibrant and diverse student population, representing a rich tapestry of cultures and languages.
With over 40 languages spoken, our commitment is to provide exceptional educational opportunities for students learning English as an additional language, known as English Learners (ELs) or multilingual learners (MLs), and equip them with skills and support to acquire English proficiency while meeting state academic standards. Read about the district's thriving English Language Development Program (ELD) and learn about valuable resources such as our Bilingual and Multilingual seals Certificates.
Andrea Sáenz, English Learner Program Coordinator, ELL Teacher
651-403-7300 | ex. 3195
| andrea.saenz@isd197.org
David Bueno, ELL Teacher
651-403-7150 | ex. 3203
| david.bueno@isd197.org
Jessica Emery, ELL Teacher
651-403-7300 | ex. 3117
| jessica.emery@isd197.org
Daven Kokkila, ELL Teacher
651-403-7300 | ex. 3141
| daven.kokkila@isd197.org
Erik Vernon, ELL Teacher
651-403-7300 | ex. 3187
| eric.vernon@isd197.org