Warrior Time
Student Expectations
Student expectations for Warrior Time:
- Check your email Tuesday night/Wednesday morning, if you are requested you must report to the teacher.
- If you want a teacher to request you, make sure to ask them by Monday.
- Attendance is taken in classrooms.
If you want to work in the Media Center, you need to sign-up with Ms. Moore so you get requested.
If you are not requested, you are to report to the Gym or Cafeteria.
- Cafeteria is work space/calm chill space
Gym is walking space or chill space (note - no gym equipment out)
Warrior Time is structured time, no matter where you are
Time to catch up on work
Time to get help
Time to work with friends
Time to decompress/refocus to be ready for the rest of your day
Here is a video that provides an overview of these expectations.
We will regularly gather feedback from our students and staff on our implementation of Warrior Time.
What is Warrior Time?
Warrior Time is a dedicated time during the day for students to connect with teachers, receive additional support, catch up on work, and/or study for their classes.
Why do we have Warrior Time?
Having Warrior Time in our schedule each week provides some time during the day for students to connect with teachers and have some extra work time. We recognize that students have very busy schedules and a lot to manage with their course loads, so we are hopeful that this additional time during the school day can provide students with meaningful support.
How does Warrior Time work?
Teachers "request” students for Warrior Time. If a student is requested by their teacher, they will receive an email Tuesday evening letting them know that they are to go to that teacher’s classroom during Warrior Time on Wednesday. Families are also sent an email on Tuesday evening to let them know that their student has been requested by a teacher for Warrior Time.
If a student wants to go to a teacher’s room for Warrior Time, they connect with the teacher before school starts on Tuesday so that the teacher can request them through the system. This allows for correct attendance rosters to be created for this time. At times, a student may ask to be requested by a teacher, but due to the structure of that teacher’s Warrior Time that week it doesn’t work for them to request that student. In that case, students should connect with their teacher to figure out another way for them to get additional support.
If a student is not requested by a teacher, the student goes to the cafeteria or the gym. Students should use this time to get organized, check their grades, complete homework and participate in study groups with their classmates.
If a student is requested by a teacher, they are expected to attend. Attendance will be taken. Parents/guardians will receive notification on Thursday if their student missed their scheduled Warrior Time.
How will I know if I/my student was requested for Warrior Time?
Students will receive emails on Tuesday afternoon. The email will indicate that a teacher has requested them OR that they can choose to go to the cafeteria or gym.
Parents/Guardians will ONLY get an email IF their student was requested by a teacher.
Will parents/guardians be notified if a student does not attend Warrior TIme?
If a student was requested by a teacher and they do not attend, the parent will receive an email letting them know that their student was absent.
What if multiple teachers request to work with my student?
Priority will be given for the class that a student is struggling in the most or a class where a make-up quiz or re-take is needed.
What if my student does not have a second or third period class at Two Rivers?
At this time students that do not have a second or third period class cannot be requested by teachers and parents will not receive notifications. If students that are participating in Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) are regularly in the building on Wednesdays between second and third hour they should connect with Associate Principal Jess Cabak so that they can be requested for Warrior Time.
What is the schedule?
On Wednesdays, we run a Warrior Time bell schedule where other classes are slightly shortened to create time during the day for student support.